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Me vs What You See


                                    A CREATIVE ARTS  EXERCISE TO         

                                            ACHIEVE  A GREATER

                                             UNDERSTANDING OF 


Materials Needed 
Large paper or Folder, Drawing supplies, Magazine photos, optional-  other decorative papers and embellishments such as beads, glitter, buttons, ribbons, and whatever else you can think of. 


Draw or create a representation of yourself on the outside of the paper. How do you present yourself to the world?  This should be a view of yourself and does not need to be realistic.
You can symbolize and use the collage materials to represent characteristics and traits.  
The next step is to use the inside of the paper to represent how you feel on the inside. 


Questions and Ideas for Reflection


Is there an idea or element or idea from your work that most resonated with you? 
Was there something that surprised you?
Are your inside and outside representations in alignment? If yes, How so? 
If not, would you like them to be? 
Do you think the world views you as you view yourself? What do you believe they see?
Would you like to share more or a different aspect of yourself with others?


Are you hiding something about yourself from the world?
Is it a conscious decision or are you unaware? 
What did you learn from the experience?
Is there an idea that you can incorporate into your life to increase self-awareness? 


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